Walking Thru Fire

I am dedicated to helping anyone experience healing, growth, and empowerment. To foster well-being, I provide a holistic approach to healing the mind, body, and soul. I specialize in helping women find wholeness. We all have the innate ability to heal ourselves, but I'm here to provide the support, guidance, and extra help that comes in handy when you are depleted, sick, worn out, or broken down.

Healing Modalities
Reiki is a Japanese therapy that may help with a variety of things, including:
Stress and anxiety: Reiki can help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall quality of life.
Pain: Reiki can help relieve pain, including chronic pain.
Sleep: Reiki can improve sleep quality.
Immune system: Reiki can stimulate the body's immune system.
Healing: Reiki can support the healing process after surgery or other medical procedures.
Cancer: Reiki can help manage the side effects of cancer treatment.
Well-being: Reiki can promote a sense of well-being and enhance positive thinking.
Connection: Reiki can strengthen a sense of connection with self and others.
Reiki is a complementary therapy, meaning it's intended to work alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques. It's not intended to cure illnesses or disease.
During a reiki session, a practitioner places their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the client's body. The session typically lasts around 60 to 90 minutes.
Some common experiences after a reiki session include: Releasing unprocessed emotions, Releasing unhelpful beliefs or thought patterns, and A healing crisis for a couple of days.
PEMF Therapy:
has been used in the treatment of acute pain from injuries, osteoarthritis, and prolonged low back pain.
It may also be used for reducing pain related to cancer treatments and fatigue related to multiple sclerosis.
It can be used as a means to improve mobility and pain related to surgeries.
Take Control Of Your Cellular Function
The use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) for wellness dates back to the 19th century, and the scientific studies regarding the benefits and applications of PEMF are extensive, to say the least.
Chronic pain can have a significant impact on your quality of life and your emotional well-being. It doesn't matter whether the pain is steady or intermittent, sharp or dull, or comes and goes without any apparent reason. The important thing is that it can cause physical and psychological damage, and lead to a lower quality of life.
Whether you’re suffering from chronic pain due to a past injury or a health condition, the gentle pulsed electromagnetic waves in Big Magic will soothe your pain and revitalize you back to health.
Here are the benefits it offers you:
1. Relieve discomfort over a large area.
2. Enjoy greater flexibility, strength, and stamina when doing your daily tasks and activities.
3. Wake up feeling more rested after sleep.
4. Boost your mood and make you feel more cheerful.
PEMF is a holistic supplement that infuses the body with natural energy at the cellular level. The body may use that energy to:
heal and regenerate itself
enhance its natural recovery process
assist with muscle fatigue and discomfort after exercise
increase energy or support relaxation
balance the body’s interconnected systems
Research on PEMF is ever-expanding because each body responds uniquely based on its needs.
PEMF therapy stimulates cells, helps to resolve cellular dysfunction, acute & chronic pain, reduces inflammation and support overall wellbeing.
Energy Master: Usui & Karuna Reiki - Beyond Reiki - Kundalini Reiki
30 - 60 minutes
Reiki (pronounced Ray Key) is a combination of two Japanese words rei and ki meaning universal life energy. Reiki is an ancient laying-on of hands healing technique that uses the life force energy to heal, balancing the subtle energies within our bodies. Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
The result of receiving Reiki is enhanced health and well-being - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
Stress and anxiety: Reiki can help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall quality of life.
Pain: Reiki can help relieve pain, including chronic pain.
Sleep: Reiki can improve sleep quality.
Immune system: Reiki can stimulate the body's immune system.
Healing: Reiki can support the healing process after surgery or other medical procedures.
Cancer: Reiki can help manage the side effects of cancer treatment.
Well-being: Reiki can promote a sense of well-being and enhance positive thinking.
Connection: Reiki can strengthen a sense of connection with self and others.
Reiki is a complementary therapy, meaning it's intended to work alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques. It's not intended to cure illnesses or disease.
During a reiki session, a practitioner places their hands lightly on or over specific areas of the client's body. The session typically lasts around 60 to 90 minutes.
Some common experiences after a reiki session include: Releasing unprocessed emotions, Releasing unhelpful beliefs or thought patterns, and A healing crisis for a couple of days.
Integrated Energy Therapy® "Healing with the Energy of Angels”
30-60 minutes
In a standard treatment Reiki energy flows from the practitioners hands into the client. The client is usually laying on a massage table but treatments can also be given while the client is seated or even standing. The client remains fully clothed. The practitioner places her/his hands on or near the clients body in a series of hand positions. These include positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and feet. Other, more specific positions & symbols may be used based on the clients needs. Each position is held for a minute to several minutes depending on how much Reiki the client needs at each position.
Crystal Healing Love Is In The Earth© Melody Crystal Healing
60 minutes - working with crystals for healing
♥ Symbolic Geometric Crystal Arrays
♥ Chakra Crystal Array / Layout
♥ Methodologies for Cleansing and Programming
♥ Cord Removal
♥ Laying-on-of-Stones with Laying-on-of-Hands
♥ Selected Layouts for furtherance of Self
♥ Intuitive Healing
♥ Past Life Ascension
♥ Tibetan Pulsing with Laying-on-of-Stones
♥ Jin Shin Jyutsu
♥ Soul Journeying
Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system concerned with treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room. Treatments take place on a massage table or mattress on the floor with the client lying on his or her back, crystals are then placed on and around various parts of the body. Once all the crystals are placed on the 7 chakras the Practioner will then place his/her hands on each crystal for allowing the energy of the crystals to be absorbed by the clients body.
***Sounds, Crystals & Aromatherapy***
included in every session depending on clients needs
(This may include oils, singing bowls, rattles, drums, bells etc...)